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Qualia Special Report

State of AI in Title & Escrow

We've entered a new era where artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a distant concept but a dynamic force reshaping entire industries in real time. Aiming to better understand the current state of AI in title & escrow, Qualia surveyed more than 370 title & escrow professionals to see how they're responding to the influx of AI-powered tools and gauge their outlook on the potential impact AI could have on the future of real estate.

What's in the Special Report

This survey provides insight into the firsthand experiences of title & escrow professionals across the country. The data gathered helps illustrate how AI is currently being utilized, where there are opportunities, and where there's room to improve AI adoption strategies.

In this special report, you will find:

  • A high-level AI field guide that defines terminology and offers practical use cases
  • A deep dive into first-of-its kind data about the state of AI in the title & escrow industry
  • A closer look at the advantages and considerations associated with AI adoption