Qualia Special Report

Real Estate Wire Fraud Trends: Special Report

Wire fraud is one of the leading financial threats facing the real estate industry. Business email compromise (BEC) scams resulted in a staggering $396M+ in adjusted industry losses in 2022. As the central figure in the closing process, title & escrow companies must maintain an accurate, real-time understanding of current fraud patterns and risks in order to help mitigate the damage and safeguard their business and their clients.

What's in the Special Report

This survey provides insight into the firsthand experiences of title & escrow professionals across the country. The data gathered helps illustrate persistent areas of fraud, effective countermeasures, and processes that need further fortification.

In this special report, you will learn:

  • The most common cyberattacks over the last 12 months
  • Insights into financial losses suffered as a result of wire fraud
  • Which areas in the transaction are most vulnerable to attack