Qualia Webinar

Workflow Optimizations: Steps to Maximize Efficiency in Title & Escrow Operations

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35 – Minutes

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Do complex workflows bog you down? Streamline your transaction processes and reduce workflows by up to 60% with a cutting-edge approach that is applicable across platforms—the Qualia Workflow Framework.

Join Qualia’s title experts, Alex Brown, Director of Title Strategy, and Natalie Sanchez, Strategic Customer Success Manager, as they discuss improving your business by creating optimized processes that better support your day-to-day activities.

What You'll Learn

  • How a layered approach to system design can help eliminate workflow debt
  • How to implement base workflows to increase operational efficiency while reducing the number of workflows required to process transactions of all types
  • How to leverage Qualia’s Workflow Framework to scale your business and expand into new markets

Your Panelists for this Webinar are:

  • Alex Brown

    Director of Title Strategy, Qualia

  • Natalie Sanchez

    Strategic Customer Success Manager, Qualia